Methodists 8 400 Trend: stagnating or declining
Evangelicals 31 800 Trend: multiplying (slowing down in the 90ies)*
Pentacostals 20 100 Trend: multiplying (slowing down in the 90ies)*
Other 52 700 Trend: stagnating* (e.g. Salvation Army, Baptists)
Total 113 000 Protestants of "Free Christian Communities" (in 2000)
[* These 3 groups were compared with old data from "Operation World" (officially no separate data available from SFSO before year 2000)].
Switzerland is composed of 26 cantons. Each one used to be predominated by either the Roman Catholic Church or the "Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche". Nowodays, these mainstream denominations no longer monopolize entire regions. The "Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche" as the main protestant denomination has around 2 400 000 members and contineously loses members.
Official answer of SFSO regarding Evangelical and Pentecostal groups in Switzerland
"An analysis of the past census results (1970 - 2000) brings us to the conclusion that the main reason for the change of the religious landscape is of social rather than religious nature. Two strongly growing groups however seem to stand in contradiction to this general trend. Namely the boom of evangelical (and pentecostal) groups as well as of the Jehovas Witnesses seem to be due to a volantary change of the religious affiliation. In both cases, members of one of the dominating denominations have left their church in order to join a group with a clearer Christian testimony."